Clear pagefile without reboot
Clear pagefile without reboot

Ideally I want to punch something into command prompt that sets windows to delete the pagefile on this single shutdown or the next one Clearing the pagefile on shutdown is simple enough (did a quick google search) However, I want to clear it on a single shutdown without changing registry/putting something in startup.

clear pagefile without reboot

Recommend: You should not delete the Page Files. Therefore, virtual memory sometimes is also known as page file. To see the file, you need to open the Explorer and then close the system file protection function.

  • Virtual memory is, in fact, a giant file called PageFile.Sys, which is invisible in most cases.
  • Thanks friends for watching this video,Please Subscribe Our Channel.
  • If clearing the paging file for security, focus on encrypting the drive(s)

    clear pagefile without reboot

    Am annoyed Microsoft has yet to encourage an update to Windows Internals for a more collated authoritative reference on current technologies.

  • Claim is the paging file doesn't get used much if a system has >8GB RAM.
  • Then just restart your system to make the changes take effect and you are good to go PSA: Slow restarting time is possibly fixed by - reddi In the policy settings window, select the Enabled radio option, and then click on the OK button to save the changes. Note: Enabling this on SSDs will increase the amount of data written to the SSD on every shut down or restart On the right panel, find and double-click on the Shutdown: Clear virtual memory page file policy. Later, you can delete the ClearPageFileAtShutdown value to restore the default behavior. Restart Windows 10 to apply the change and you are done. To save ram windows places certain items in the pagefile Set it to 1 to clear the pagefile at shutdown. When you load this document it is loaded into ram. Lets say that you are working on a highly confidential MS Word doc. Windows uses this file as virtual memory / extra ram. You can now close the group policy editor window While it is generally not necessary for most users, some people want to clear the pagefile on shutdown. Windows will now clear the page file each time you shut down.

    clear pagefile without reboot

    Click the Enabled option in the properties window that appears and click OK. Locate the Shutdown: Clear virtual memory pagefile option in the right pane and double-click it. In the right-hand window, double-click the ClearPageFileAtShutdown key and change the current default value from zero (0) to 1 (Figure D) Keywords so others can find this: slow reboot, long reboot, stuck at restarting, long restarting time, shut down, shutdown faster than.

    clear pagefile without reboot

    Here's a guide on how to disable the clearing of the pagefile at shutdown. Choosing shut down and turning the computer back on was faster than restart.

    Clear pagefile without reboot